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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

He & ME 频谱美体衣

He & ME 频谱美体衣 (Spectrum Care Health Concomitant)
Revolutionary Breakthrough for Spectrum Body Shape-up & Undergarment

Spectrum Body Shape-up is the product of innovative breakthrough using the latest spectrum technology. Presenting itself is the form of body shape-up undergarments, it focuses on comfort, health and ease of use and replaces the characteristics of traditional shape-up undergarments.


1) What is Spectrum Body Shape-up?
Spectrum Body Shape-up simplifies spectrum treatments and therapies.

2) What can Spectrum Body Shape-up achieves?
Disease prevention and regulating Asian chronic diseases.

3) What's so different with other Body Shape-up?
- Germanium spectrum fiber Fabrics,
- 14 specially positioned inlaid cosmic energy stones
- Memory alloy
- Produces strong spectrum functions that aligns with the vibration frequency of human cells
- Renews body cells and its ability to detoxify.

4) What are the features of Spectrum Body Shape-up?
- Easy to use
- Comprehension Function
- Smooth as silk-like comfort
- Wear-resistant,anti-moldy,flexible
- Anti-bacterial, deodorant
- Quick drying
- Soft, body fitting but non-adhering
- Durable & long-lasting

4) Apakah kelebihan Spectrum Body Shape-up? - Mudah Digunakan - Fungsi2 yg komprehensif - Lembut seperti Sutera - Dipakai lama, Anti-gulung, fleksibel - Anti-bakteria, deodoran - Cepat kering - Lembut, memadankan tanpa melekat - Tahan lasak dan tahan lama

4) 频谱美体衣有什么特色?
- 使用方便 - 功效全面 - 如真丝般滑爽舒适 - 耐磨,抗腐,超弹性 - 抗菌防臭 - 吸湿快干 - 柔软,贴身而不粘身 - 洗久不易变形

5) What are the functions of Spectrum Body Shape-up?
Effectively enhances body curvature, prevents fat from sagging, double layer anti-slide design, prevents fat accumulation, thereby achieving its functions in breast firming, tummy trimming, arms firming, hip firming, thighs trimming and body shaping.


5) Apakah fungsi-fungsi Spectrum Body Shape-up?
Berkesan menambah baik lengkungan badan, menghalang lemak daripada melendut, rekaan dua lapis anti-gelungsur, menghalang penambahan lemak, dari itu mencapai matlamat fungsi2 tersebut dalam menganjalkan dan memontokkan payudara, merapikan perut, menganjalkan lengan, menganjalkan pinggul, merapikan peha dan membentuk badan.

5) 频谱美体衣能够达到什么功效?

▶ 6 大高科技材质 High Tech Materials

Titanium Germanium Element
Semiconductor element to regulate the current of human biological disorder, relieves muscle aches and fatigue.

Spectrum Fiber
Comprehensive function broadband design, able to regulate body cells towards healthy frequency.

Shape Memory Alloy
Unique alloy that 'remembers' shapes and changes with boby temperature; non-magnetic and harmless to the boby, prevents spinal deformities and insomnia.

Cosmic Energy Stones
Contains more then 70 kinds of trace elements with high-speed vibration frequency releasing cosmic energy, reducing cancer risk and aging process.

Cleancool Fabric
Anti- bacterial, deodorant, quick-drying, soft and fitting but non-adhering, keeps the skin feeling cool.

Elastic Yarn
Longitudinal cross-sections forms multi-points star-shaped structure, increasing the friction between the fiber and the body, burns and stabilises body fats.

▶ 8 大领先技术 Leading Cutting-Edge Technologie

- Uses spectrum energy fiber
- Innovative breathrough for fashionable undergarment
- Making body contouring undergarment part of lifestyle
- Magnetic nano-Particles massage
- Air permeability undergarment
- Sericin, silk protein processing
- Anti-fungal processing
- Nano-sliver processing

▶ 6 大精湛工艺 Exquisite Processes
Silk Protein Soaking
Preserves the sheen, luster and silk-like comfort; increases fabric water absorbency & air permeability.

Titanium Germanium Fabrics
Uses germanium spectrum fiber fabrics, aids in balancing blood pH levels and human biological current.

228 Mounted Mineral Ennergy
Releases high frequency resulting in physical energy, revitalises aging body tissue cells.

Anti fungal;mite & deodorant
Prevents fungal growth, prevents mite allergies and removes odor.

Electrostatic Processing
Makes materials body fitting but non-adhering.

Fiber Softening With Milk Essence
Soften and smoothens materials; making materials longer lasting

More information in Chinese Language:


- 采用远红外波谱作用于人体皮下深层组织,达活化组织细胞,
- 增强细胞代谢能力从而达到防病治病的目的
- 近代科学证明,健康的人体组织细胞和非正常的组织细胞具有截然不同的波谱,这为诊断疾病带来了方便。


- 通过其对人体组织的作
- 双向调节人体生理功能
- 促进血液循环
- 改善微循环
- 促进新陈代谢
- 改善神经系统功能
- 提高机体免疫力
- 使人体在排汗的同时,排出体内有害物质,从而达到保健身体、治疗疾病、美肤养颜目的


老年人: 改善微循环,提高机体免疫能力,调节神经和内分泌功能,具有防病和防衰老作用。
妇女: 促进女性激素的分泌,改善皮肤微循环,具有美容效果。
儿童: 提高儿童对疾病的免疫能力,增进营养的吸收和消化。
青壮年: 促进代谢,减轻疲劳,促使精力充沛。

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